PLANNING permission is sought from Darlington Borough Council for the erection of four private stable, tack and feed storage building on a new hardstanding area with a new boundary enclosure and landscaping planting treatment to each perimeter of this part of the development.

The proposal will utilise the existing access track leading from Aycliffe Lane, Brafferton, Darlington, and will be resurfaced with a tarmac finish.

This building is to measure 19.1m wide x 9.4m long with an overall ridge height of 4.3m and will contain six compartments (four stables, a tack room and feed room).

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The stable block will consist of an L shape design which is a typical built form for this type of development within rural settings within this location and other parts of the borough.

The stables are for private use and not related to any livery or other business purposes.

The proposal will be built upon a new concrete hardstanding which will allow adequate space for vehicular parking, unloading of bedding and feed supplies and manoeuvring of all types of vehicle so that they can access and egress the application site in forward gear.

The development will utilise the existing an historic field gate located off Aycliffe Lane at a location between two other similar accesses. Visibility from the access point onto Aycliffe Lane can achieve 4.5m x 160m in each direction, which meets the council’s highway requisition.

The access gates are positioned approximately 13.5m from the Aycliffe lane and the access track is to be upgraded with tarmac material with no loose materials such as gravel.

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The scale and function of the proposed stable block has been designed in accordance with Animal Welfare Guidance for keeping horses.

The landowner prefers a more generous sized boxes for mares and foals to provide roomy accommodation for peace of mind in relation to each horse's welfare.

Storage large amounts of bails of haylage, straw and related equine paraphernalia which cannot be left outside and cannot be stored within the stable block (tack/feed room).