A dog had to undergo lifesaving surgery after swallowing a corn on the cob.

Eight-year-old cockapoo Lola was rushed to the vets by concerned owner Amy Trattles after the cross-breed started to vomit and her stomach had ballooned due to a blockage which had caused a build up of about three litres of fluid.

The canine went under the knife for a gastrotomy procedure which involved making an incision in her stomach to remove the foreign object.

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Vets found the blockage had been caused by the corn on the cob, much to the shock of Amy and aunt Julie who don’t even eat the vegetable.

Owner Amy Trattles said: “I was shocked she had swallowed corn on the cob as we don’t eat it, so I didn’t know where she had got it from.

“But she still acts like a puppy and has the cocker instinct - her nose is always on the floor, and she is always picking things up.

“She was a bit groggy after the operation, but she was trying to jump up within three days. She’s back to her usual self now which is great.”

While corn on the cob is not toxic for dogs, it does not break down and can obstruct solids and fluids from moving through the stomach which can be fatal. It could also cause choking.

Vets have now warned owners to be extra vigilant over the summer and during BBQ season as dogs can pick up dangerous objects.

Kim Taylor-Morton, the very who carried out Lola’s procedure at Grange Vets in Stockton, said: “Lola’s stomach was around ten times the volume it should have been. It was full of fluid with the piece of corn acting like a cork to block the exit. It was a slice from the end, barely bigger than a plug and was wedged in.

“Nothing could get out of her stomach which could have twisted or ruptured and proved fatal without surgery.

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“After her surgery, we advised her owners to be careful about what Lola ate for the following few days and how to manage the pain as she was quite unsettled at first. She has had a couple of check-ups since and is doing really well.

“My advice to other owners is to take their dog to their vet as soon as possible if they think they have swallowed a foreign object.”

Grange Vets is also urging people to be extra vigilant when having a barbecue in case their dog eats any food such as corn on the cob, onions and alcohol which are big dangers, or kebab skewers which can cause nasty injuries.