An appeal has been launched after a man was left with head injuries following an alleged assault in a Darlington park.

Police are appealing for more information after the man, in his 20s, was taken to hospital after the suspected assault in North Lodge Park on Saturday, May 27.

The incident took place between 1.45pm and 2.15pm.

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Durham Police said five men are thought to have been involved in the altercation and they would like to speak to anyone with any information that could help identify them.

A Durham Police spokesperson said: "We are appealing for help to trace several men who left a man needing hospital treatment following an assault.

"The incident happened between 1.45pm and 2.15pm on Saturday, May 27 in North Lodge Park.

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"The victim – a man in his 20s – suffered a head injury and was taken to hospital for treatment.

"Around five men are thought to have been involved in the altercation and police would like to speak to anyone with any information that could help identify them."

If you live in the nearby area and saw anything, or if you have any CCTV footage that may show the men, please contact PC 9015 McGarry on 101, extension number 209015, quoting crime reference number CRI00477746.