A brazen flytipper dumped a pile of asbestos sheeting on a residential street earlier this week – and officers are now on their case.

A large stack of asbestos was found by officers from Darlington Borough Council in the lane between Beaconsfield Street and Salisbury Terrace, and is believed to have been dumped between the evening of Tuesday, June 6, and Wednesday, June 7.

The sheets of asbestos are in bad repair and are likely to be releasing health-damaging fibres.

Those responsible for fly-tipping the asbestos are yet to be found – and Darlington Council have appealed for anyone with any information to get in touch and aid in bringing the fly-tipper to justice.

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A spokesperson for Darlington Council said: “Can you help us track down those responsible for fly-tipping this pile of asbestos sheeting in Darlington earlier this week?

“They were dumped in the lane between Beaconsfield Street and Salisbury Terrace sometime between the evening of Tuesday (June 6) and yesterday morning (Wednesday, June 7).

“If you recognise them and paid someone in good faith to dispose of the asbestos for you, please get in touch so we can catch those responsible. If it’s not yours, did you see who dumped it?

“Anyone with information is asked to email customerservices@darlington.gov.uk at Darlington Borough Council.”