A builder named Daly Thompson has been convicted by magistrates for three offences of unfair trading.

Daly John Thompson, of Sun Moor Drive, Skipton, who trades as Daly Thompson Builders and Joiners, was fined at York Magistrates’ Court on Thursday (May 25) after admitting three offences of unfair trading.

He was convicted after North Yorkshire Council’s trading standards service began an investigation into Thompson’s firm after receiving a complaint from one of his customers. 

Thompson failed to follow through on promised and paid-for work and lied to the customer about installing a sleeper wall, which is a requirement for building regulations. 

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He must now pay fines totalling £2,214 and costs of £1,410. He was also ordered to pay compensation of £8,072.30 and a victim surcharge of £221.

Thompson was paid £3,072.30 to buy two roof lights, but he failed to do so despite telling the consumer that they would be delivered on two different dates.

He also told the householder that he had installed a sleeper wall under floor joists in the extension, although a surveyor confirmed that no such wall was in place.

The sleeper wall was a requirement of building regulations to ensure the structural integrity of the extension, meaning the floor fitted by Thompson had to be removed so another builder could carry out remedial work.

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Thompson told the investigating officer he had thought the sleeper wall was not required and that he had not bought the roof lights because material costs on the job were dramatically increasing.

Two of the charges related to failings with the sleeper wall, the other over the roof lights.

Sentencing Thompson, the chair of the bench, Peter Worth, said: “You have admitted you left the job in a sub-standard condition... quite a damning report for a builder with 20-plus years of experience.”

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North Yorkshire Council’s executive member for trading standards, Cllr Greg White, said: “Householders should be able to trust contractors they employ to safeguard any monies paid to them for materials and to complete the job in line with the specification and any Building Regulations or other safety requirements.

“Whilst it is understandable that contractors are finding the increasing costs of building materials difficult to manage, consumers are entitled to rely on the quotation they have been given and any contract agreed upon.

“I would urge any tradesperson to be upfront with customers about any difficulties at the earliest opportunity.”