Officers and drone pilots have been scrambled after reports of a 1,000 person illegal rave being held in an abandoned mine.

The rave is reportedly being held in the Stillingfleet area near to York and multiple officers have been sent to the scene.

Police say loud music, drug abuse and disorder has been reported in the area overnight.

According to reports cars have also been seen driving erratically at speed in the area.

Read more: Stockton LIVE: Crime scene officers on Hardwick Road as large police presence

A spokesperson for North Yorkshire Police said: “Events such as these cause huge distress and disruption to the local community, and also put attendees themselves at risk.

“A significant number of officers are deploying to the scene, including police drone pilots. Any illegal activity identified will be dealt with robustly.

“We're grateful to local residents for their patience while we work to resolve this incident.”