A fire was started by a group of youths in Billingham yesterday evening, and emergency services rushed to the scene.

The incident occurred last night (Thursday, May 4) shortly before 8:30pm at the Kingsway House Car Park in the town.

A rubbish bin and a Biffa bin were on fire when the two fire engines from Stockton arrived.

A spokesperson for Cleveland Fire Brigade said: “We were called to an incident on 04/05/2023 at 20.28 at Queensway House Car Park, Billingham. Two fire engines in attendance from Stockton. 

“Rubbish and Biffa bin on the ramp to car park on fire. One Hose Reel used to extinguish fire. Police made aware. We left scene by 20.45.”

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A spokesperson for Cleveland Police said: “We received a report of some teenagers setting a fire at the Kingsway ramp in Billingham at around 8.30pm. Cleveland Fire Brigade then attended to extinguish the fire.”