GETTING as many people as possible into work in our area has been a top priority for me ever since my election as Member of Parliament for North West Durham.

High employment rates have a positive impact on almost every part of our society. Primarily, getting people into work stimulates the local economy. When people have jobs, they have money to spend on goods and services, which helps businesses grow and create more jobs. It also helps to reduce reducing crime and improve public services.

Getting people into work also has a positive impact on the individual, who can learn skills, improve their health and support a family.

Good jobs are also a fundamental element of social mobility: all boats rise with the rising tide. Therefore, improving access to great job opportunities is particularly important to focus on. I have been doing lots of work to get more local people into high-skill, high-wage jobs through initiatives like my apprenticeships fair at Derwentside College, because I know how key this to unleash our area’s potential.

North West Durham, where we’re now seeing thousands more in full-time paid work than 10 years ago, shows that this approach is working.

However, it’s important not to view this in isolation as so many often do. What is truly impressive is that the North East region recorded the largest fall in unemployment in the UK over the last year.

The hard work of MPs and local authorities that has contributed to this notable trend shows that the sum of the North East’s talent is far greater than its individual parts. Ben Houchen, the Tees Valley mayor, has been doing fantastic work drawing national attention to the North East. He has been able to lead the way in boosting jobs in our area by collaborating with local authorities. Together they have been able to make huge strides bringing economic, social and environmental benefits to the North East.

His efforts on Teesside, for example with the proposed freeport which will connect our area to global markets, major trade hubs and offshore projects, can unlock the potential of the highly skilled workforce right here in the North East. Teesside has also been singled out as a “net zero hot spot” meaning tens of thousands of jobs contributing billions to the economy through environmental sustainable economic growth right on our doorstep. Crucially, the impact of this will be felt across multiple councils, Parliamentary constituencies, and cities.

This collaborative approach is so effective because many in North West Durham actually work in Teesdale, or Stockton or Darlington and vice versa. Hopefully, whoever becomes the North East’s mayor following the recent devolution deal will be able to take a leaf out of Ben Houchen’s book.

Increasing great job opportunities is the key that unlocks prosperity for us in the North East and I want to see this promising trend go further. If we are to keep on making progress as a region, councils, MPs and the mayors must continue working effectively together.

For too long we have seen petty party politics at local council level hold back our communities – we can’t allow that to happen in the future. We need councillors who can see beyond jealously guarding their fiefdoms. Let’s get councillors who want to work for positive change – that’s exactly what Ben Houchen and our local MPs need backing them up.