A DARLINGTON town centre clothing store has applied for retrospective planning permission for a new paint scheme on the front of the building.

The application of a painted stripe motif on Leggs boutique in 21 Skinnergate, has been adopted at several other properties as part of the Yard projects including, Buckton’s Yard, Mechanic’s Yard and on other properties on Post House Wynd

The paint scheme in two parts, at first floor level the stripes have been applied and at ground floor level a single darker colour to the modern shop front.

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According to a planing statement: "The colour palate and stripped pattern is considered to be a visual enhancement for the immediate area and an intriguing addition to the wider Conservation Area which is not of the general character and appearance of the building.

"The scheme will draw the eye to the front elevation and wider building, whereas the previous dark matt green colour blended with the slates of the large roof plane above and made the building appear squat.

"The proposed scheme will inspire intrigue and a casual interpretation of the listed building from street level."