A proposal to build 29 new homes has been approved by councillors.

The new development in Witton Gilbert was given the green light at a planning meeting on Tuesday, with work expected to start soon.

Local developer Believe Housing says the site will be a mix of two, three, four, five and six-bedroom properties as well as three bungalows. Up to seven of the new homes are proposed to be marketed as “affordable”.

The new homes will be located to the north of the A691 road on the edge of the village and behind the Travellers Rest pub.

Witton Gilbert Parish Council also supported the plans before they were heard by the council’s planning committee.

A statement from Believe Housing read: “The Parish Council are in support of the scheme noting that development of the site is fundamental to encourage further growth and prosperity in the local area and that they’re happy with the range and type of dwellings proposed.

“The proposals represent sustainable development which will provide much needed homes within the village making the most effective use of land.”

One letter of objection raised issue over the loss of countryside to the rear of their home, with impacts of increased noise and loss of view.

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The resident said: “The countryside view from my garden and my rear first floor bedroom window are something I have particularly enjoyed in my short time in my home. The thought that there will be traffic noise at the rear of my home and additional noise from people in their gardens is of great concern to me.”

But the proposal received praise from multiple councillors during Tuesday’s meeting. Cllr Alan Bell labelled the development “a very well thought out scheme”, while cllr Joe Quinn said the new homes would be “very welcome” in the village.

The planning application was unanimously supported.