AN opera project expected to involve more than 300 children has been awarded National Lottery funding.

The scheme, being run by Ampleforth College and the North Yorkshire Music Service, will involved pupils from primary and secondary schools in a production of Noye's Fludde, by Benjamin Britten.

The production will take place in the sports hall of St Martin's Ampleforth, in Gilling East, between June 26 and 28 Andrew Carter, head of English at the college, will direct the production.

Most of the production costs will be covered by the lottery funding, provided through the Awards for All scheme, with outstanding costs met from the sale of tickets.

Noye's Fludde has three adult roles, as well as providing an opportunity for a large number of youngsters to be involved, as actors, singers or members of the orchestra.

It is anticipated that 100 children, watched by parents and friends, will be involved at each of the productions.

Ian Little, head of music at the college, said: "This is probably the most exciting musical project I have been involved with in a very long time, not least because of the huge instrumental and singing forces required.

"Bringing everyone together for the performance is going to be quite a feat logistically.

"There is much excitement being generated by this project, and the young people have picked up on this.

"I am sure it is going to be a great production."

Casting has now taken place and rehearsals will start shortly.

For more details, and ticket information, call Pauline Charnock on 01439-766890 or email