Eight teenagers have been arrested after a 14-year-old boy was left fighting for his life after a stabbing in Newcastle’s West End.

The incident happened shortly before 6.30pm on Wednesday (November 9) on Westmorland Road, Elswick when police and ambulance crews were called to the scene after reports of a disturbance.

It is understood the 14-year-old boy remains in a critical condition in hospital but is said to be stable.

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Police initially arrested three teenage boys earlier this week on suspicion of wounding with intent to commit grievous bodily harm.

A man and woman, who are both 40, were also arrested on suspicion of assisting an offender and have now been released on police bail.

The Northern Echo: Police cordon in Elswick, Newcastle.Police cordon in Elswick, Newcastle. (Image: NNP)

Now a further eight teens, all aged 16 to 18, have been arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to murder.

The Northern Echo understands all 11 teen suspects remain in police custody while officers carry out their investigations.

A Northumbria Police spokesperson said: “At this early stage, officers believe all parties involved were known to each other and there is no information to suggest there is a risk to the wider public.

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“An increased police presence remains in the area as officers carry out enquiries and offer reassurance to the public.

The Northern Echo: Police at the scene of the incident in Elswick on Thursday (November 10) morning.Police at the scene of the incident in Elswick on Thursday (November 10) morning. (Image: NNP)

"We would like to thank everyone for their ongoing patience and cooperation as we continue to investigate this serious incident.”

"“Anyone with information is asked to contact police via the ‘Tell Us Something’ page of our website or by calling 101 quoting log NP-20221109-0955."

A police cordon remained in place yesterday while officers, including forensic specialists, worked at the scene.

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