A TEENAGE dancer has taken the next step towards her dream of becoming a classical ballerina, by being cast in a national theatre group's next production.

Talented Lucy Benson, from North Yorkshire, will perform with the English Youth Ballet, this weekend.

It will be the third time the 14- year-old, of Pinfold Drive, in Northallerton, has performed with the company.

She will appear in Sleeping Beauty, at the Grand Opera House, in York, on Friday evening, plus two performances on Saturday.

Lucy's proud mother, Jill, said: "Lucy was selected out of more than 80 hopefuls, she has done so well to get a part.

"She desperately wants to become a ballerina and perform on stage.

"I am looking forward to watching the shows, I will be in the audience for all three.

"In the past, I have acted as a chaperone for Lucy.

"That can be quite hectic, so I am really looking forward to watching her perform."

The ballet company is celebrating its tenth anniversary this year, touring the country giving promising ballerinas a chance to shine.

Lucy, who is a pupil at the Allertonshire School, in Northallerton, won the Northern Ballet Championships in 2006, and has performed with Wayne Sleep.

She was offered a place at the Hammond dance school, in Chester, four years ago, but has been unable to take it up because of the costs involved.

Her family are still hoping to find sponsorship to help meet the costs, which could run to more than £20,000 a year.

Lucy said: "I would love to be a ballerina, it has been my dream ever since I was a little girl, when I used to watch ballet on the television.

"We have been rehearsing for the weekend's shows since the middle of last week, and we have more preparation before the dress rehearsal and first performance on Friday.

I am really looking forward to the show.

"I will probably start to get nervous as opening night gets closer."

For tickets, call the box office on 0844-847-2322 or visit englishyouth ballet.co.uk Individuals or companies interested in providing sponsorship can call Mrs Benson, on 07882-412228.