North Yorkshire’s astonishing record breaker Jasmine Harrison has done it – completing an epic 900-mile swim from one end of Britain to the other, becoming only the third person ever to do it and the first woman.

As she landed at John O Groats in the far north of Scotland on Tuesday night (October 18), she admitted it had been a “gruelling swim but an incredible experience”.

Sheer determination and a refusal to give in got the 22-year-old from Lands End in Cornwall from where she set off 110 days ago. In the meantime she has battled mammoth waves, blasting winds, huge whales, jellyfish and shipping.

She set off on July 1 spending all her time swimming – for up to ten hours a day depending on the tides and the weather – or in the tiny boat Kelpie that’s been her refuge.

Finishing means Jasmine is a double world record holder.

She shot to fame across the globe last year after her epic row across 3,000 miles of the Atlantic Ocean, when she became the youngest female ever to do it solo.

Bad weather did force Jasmine and her support crew to shelter in port at times but she always said she was determined to get there.

She emerged from the sea exhausted at about 5pm on Tuesday night after finishing the last punishing ten miles of her mammoth challenge to be greeted by mum Susan and beloved dog Bonney.

She managed to say on social media it had been a very “difficult swim” before retiring for a desperately needed rest.

Tributes immediately started pouring in from around the world.

From America one supporter said: “Jasmine what an amazing feat. Applause from Florida USA”

Another fan said: “It takes determination, willpower and guts, you’ve got the lot Jasmine. Congratulations and well done, so proud of you.”

Jasmine works as a swimming teacher at Thirsk leisure centre, and as an inspirational speaker for young people.

After setting her amazing record for the youngest woman to row solo across the Atlantic last year at the age of 21 she said she always preferred swimming to rowing and was determined to go for another challenge.

She admitted she hadn’t realised how bad the jellyfish would be or the problems with wetsuits wearing out and causing horrendous chafing on her body.

The last 80 miles of the swim along the top of Scotland was the most dangerous with orcas potentially mistaking Jasmine for a seal in her wetsuit and very high winds and waves.

Only two other people have completed this staggering 900 mile swim – both men.

Jasmine is raising money for Surfers Against Sewage and Sea Shepherd UK.

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