Campaigners and councillors opposing the controversial Skerningham development have said its design blueprint is "fundamentally flawed".

Darlington Borough Council has been consulting on the proposed "garden village" in meetings, giving residents the chance to give ideas on how the development should look. The consultation ends today (Monday, October 17).

Darlington's Green Party says there are errors and omissions in the draft "design code" for the development, which is in the town's Local Plan.

The party says there was a mistake in including references to a controversial Northern Link Road, which were meant to have been removed, and missing detail on how the blueprint will be applied in future planning applications.

It also said residents were angry when the consultation "portal" which allows people to make comments stopped working temporarily.

Read more: Objectors say scrap Skerningham plans or hold a referendum

Green Party Councillor Matthew Snedker said: “No matter how well considered and ambitious the design code appears, without a rigorous scoring system the document is not worth the paper it's written on.

"I discovered through talking to the people involved with drawing up this design code that a vital page, explaining how it would be put into action, was missing from the document.

"This strikes me as amateur and reckless by the Conservative-run Council.

The Northern Echo: Cllr Matthew Snedker. Picture: Gareth Lightfoot.Cllr Matthew Snedker. Picture: Gareth Lightfoot.

“Darlington Borough Council have refused to correct the document, despite admitting its flaws. They have also refused to extend the consultation period.

"How can this be a fair and meaningful consultation when it has such significant flaws and the document is flawed with major omissions and the process for submitting comments failed?”

Read more: More details on Darlington garden village plan

Campaigner Roz Henderson said: “We have uncovered major errors in the design code document and have challenged the Conservative-run council to put them right, otherwise the whole process will be fundamentally flawed.”

In response, economy cabinet member Cllr Alan Marshall said today they "strongly rebut" the claims made as factually incorrect, misleading and "spurious claims and accusations" which did not add to the open consultation.

He said: "There are no major errors in the draft document, however, there are some issues that have been identified that we have already clarified and will be reflected in the final document.

"It has already been acknowledged that reference to the Northern Link Road will be recommended for removal from the final document.

"There is no missing page. After considering comments received, the council requested that the consultants added further information on how the design code would be applied in determining planning applications as a way of clarification.

The Northern Echo: Cllr Alan Marshall. Picture: Darlington Borough Council.Cllr Alan Marshall. Picture: Darlington Borough Council. (Image: Durham County Council)

"The council have not refused to correct the document. The whole point of a draft consultation document is to enable any issues, errors, omissions, etc. to be identified and appropriate changes made to the final document where required.

"The fundamental purpose of the design code is to set out the design criteria/principles of the development. None of the issues raised have compromised the integrity of this purpose therefore there is no need to extend the consultation period."

He said the consultation portal was down for three hours, this was investigated and resolved, and people could still use email or post.

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