When my friends first suggested going to see this film I was not sure what to expect. I had not built my hopes up but I also not been on a hate campaign about the film. I went into the cinema with a neutral view.

The films story shows Tony Stark (played by Robert Downey Jr) a weapons manufacturer, as his convoy is attacked and an unconscious Tony is imprisoned. When he regains consciousness he finds himself in a cave with a strange device connected to his chest, this device is preventing shrapnel from entering his heart. Whilst in captivity he is tortured until he agrees to make his captives a new missile. They provide him with the materials he needs to make it, but Tony isn't willing to comply with the terrorists' wishes. Instead he makes a war suit with the equipment and makes his escape. The war suit inspired him to change his morals, instead of making lethal weapons he decided to destroy his creations that belong to terrorists (his captors).

The film is pleasing on many levels, it provides good action scenes, with fights between humans and other machines, even fighter jets. As well as providing the action that people will be expecting, there is also a humour element. Downey portrays the character as a confident business man, such examples are as soon as he is free from captivity, he denies offers for medical attention, instead stating there are two things he need, a press conference and an American cheeseburger.

The film's antagonists are recognisable. The threat comes from terrorists. This will help audiences relate with Tony's efforts to stop them. Because of this, the film has a political message, showing the monstrosity of terrorist and pleading to people to come fight against them.

Overall an extremely good film which is sure to please everyone.

9/10 Colin Gibson