BESTSELLING author Jilly Cooper has written to a group fighting to save a city's historic baths.

Ms Cooper, who is best known for her steamy novels Rider, Rivals and Polo, wrote in support of campaigners in Ripon, North Yorkshire, who oppose an application by Harrogate Borough Council to build houses on the land on which the swimming pool stands.

Under the plans, a replacement pool would be built on a site in Camp Close, an area of land donated by Ms Cooper's late uncle, Alderman Cyril Tetley Wade, in 1948 "for the benefit of the young people of the city".

The council intends to overturn a restrictive covenant placed by Alderman Wade upon the playing field, which states that the land is to be used for games such as cricket and football.

In her letter to the Ripon Spa Partnership Group, Mrs Cooper writes: "I know my uncle would have been absolutely appalled if he knew that the land was being used for something which he had not wished.

"He was such a lovely man and so funny and so frugal in his living, but he did so much for the community and was a true socialist."

She added: "I do hope you managed to fend off the council. It really is awful the way they ride rough-shod over people's wishes."

Karyn Fleeting, of Ripon Spa Partnership, said campaigners were delighted to receive Ms Cooper's letter.

"We are all avid Jilly Cooper fans, and we were absolutely thrilled to receive such a kind and supportive letter from the author herself," she said.

"Her optimistic words have given all of us a tremendous boost.

"We have great hopes for our public meeting next week, when we are to decide what our next steps will be."

Ripon Spa Partnership has called a public meeting, to be held at the Methodist Church, in Allhallowgate, Ripon, at 7pm on Monday, to discuss the borough council's planning applications and opportunities for further action.

All are welcome to attend.