LUCY WHITE has reached another milestone in her young life after becoming the 200th person to be fitted with an alert system that monitors her health.

The three-year-old, who was born with a serious heart condition and regularly suffers from seizures, which are unconnected, is the first child in Stockton borough to be fitted to the council's Telecare system.

A sensor has been connected to the mattress of her bed which sends an alert to her mother, Sarah White, and the care call centre, if she starts to suffer a seizure while sleeping.

In the past year, her seizures have started to last longer and become more severe. The detector will show doctors if there is a pattern to their regularity and whether they are worsening.

Lucy's mother, of Brough Field Close, Ingleby Barwick, said she was delighted with the system.

"The equipment has given me piece of mind, with Lucy having seizure-like episodes, which are currently under investigation,"

she said.

"I can sleep better, knowing I will be alerted if Lucy is in trouble.

"The equipment will give us and the doctors information into the regularity and severity of her seizures, as well as ensure we can get her medical attention if needed."

Fun-loving Lucy was born with one of her heart's pumping chambers missing.

She has undergone surgery at Freeman Hospital, in Newcastle, and is to have more surgery in the near future.

In addition, she will have to undergo a heart transplant when she is older.

Her seizures are another worry for her mother, but she said with the new monitor, a weight has been lifted.

"The machine is very sensitive, and if Lucy shakes or moves for seven seconds, it will go off and alert me in the other bedroom, and then send a message to the care call centre," she said.

"They will make contact with us immediately and, if there is a problem, an ambulance can be called.

"We have been able to go to sleep at night, knowing that if anything is wrong, we will be alerted."

Councillor Ann McCoy, Stockton Borough Council's cabinet member for adult services and health, said: "This is an invaluable piece of equipment which can detect changes to alert carers about the onset or taking place of a seizure.

"Peace of mind is of the essence, and we are delighted to be able to offer the service to our 200th client, three-year-old Lucy."

To find out more about the service, call 01642-526680.