A GROUP of women, who have inspired others from as far afield as Africa to take up knitting for charity, are staging their first exhibition.

The Busy Fingers group, which started meeting three years ago, is putting on a Bumper Jumpers show at Westgate Village Hall, in Weardale, on Saturday.

On display will be some of the 300 striped jumpers the women and their friends have knitted for the Feed the Children charity, which sends them to needy children in Africa.

Men's Arran sweaters the women have knitted for the Salvation Army will also be on show, along with a selection of hats and scarves.

Retired nurse Val Cotty was inspired to teach her maid, Olivia, and her friends back home in Tanzania, to knit jumpers after a family visit to Weardale, where she was shown the work done by Busy Fingers.

Other groups of women throughout the North-East have also started knitting for the charity.

"The exhibition is our way of saying thank you to all the people who have helped us," said group member Jenny Spooner.

"We are very grateful to all of them."

The exhibition, which will include a raffle and refreshments in aid of village hall funds, will be held from 10.30am to 2pm.