MEMBERS of a town's pubwatch scheme are showing their solidarity in tackling violence and drunkenness by wearing new tops that make their message clear.

The T-shirts, funded by the Derwentside Safety Partnership, bear the slogans "We serve drinks not drunks"

and "Calling time on violent crime".

All members of the Consett pubwatch scheme were approached about wearing the shirts and, after a positive response, PC Alan Patterson gathered numbers and sizes from the licensees.

Pubwatch chairwoman and licensee of the Meridian pub Mary Brown said: "Members of the public have noticed them.

"They are having an impact.

I think when people see that we (the licensees) are acting as one, they will think twice before causing problems."

The pubwatch scheme works closely with the police to reduce incidents of violence and bans troublemakers from members' premises.

Inspector Andrew McConnell said the past 12 months had seen a decrease of 15 per cent in violent offences against people in Consett, which was "very good" in a place with a thriving night-time economy.

He said: "We are pleased at the progress we have made this past year, with test purchasing, passive drugs dog visits and the control of licensing hours.

"However, we must keep our focus on the problem to enable people to enjoy a good night out in Consett, while reducing the likelihood of being a victim of crime."