Public toilets in a popular seaside town have been closed due to several incidents of anti-social behaviour. 

Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council has temporarily closed the toilets on Moore Street in Redcar due tot he damage, which they say, put the safety of the public and council staff at risk.

The council took the decision to close the facilities after they were vandalised last weekend. The toilets will now remain closed while the council takes action to make the toilets safe for users and staff.

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A statement from the council added: "There have been several instances of anti-social behaviour over recent months, but over the weekend, the toilets were vandalised and the council received reports of serious anti-social behaviour."

Cllr Glyn Nightingale, cabinet member for resources, said: “We know how important public toilets are to our residents and this is not a decision which has been taken lightly.

"However, the problem has escalated to the point where we have no choice but to close the toilets. We cannot put members of the public – particularly the young and older people – at risk due to the state in which the toilets have been left.

“We will reopen the toilets as soon as possible, once it is safe to do so.”

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