Residents have told how they feared they might have to flee their homes after a fierce field fire erupted for the second time in two days.

Flames quickly tore through tinder dry crops across acres of land in semi-rural west Gateshead earlier.

Emergency services attended the blaze near Dyke Heads Lane in Greenside, near Ryton, on Thursday afternoon.

The Northern Echo: A farmer tries to stop the fire spreadingA farmer tries to stop the fire spreading

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Footage taken by residents shows farmers using tractors to create fire breaks to prevent flames spreading further, while smoke could be seen for miles around.

The Northern Echo: Greenside resident Greg Spencer Greenside resident Greg Spencer

IT project manager Greg Spencer, 28, who lives with wife, Grace, and their 11-month-old son, Frederick, on Lenore Terrace, said: “My wife and I got a bag ready because we have got an 11-month-old.

“If we need to move with him, we need to move with him quickly. He has got a lot of stuff to pack.

“A lot of neighbours are elderly so they were packing too just in case.

“We just hope it does not start up again.”

The Northern Echo: This dramatic picture shows how close the fire got. Picture: KAY ROWELLThis dramatic picture shows how close the fire got. Picture: KAY ROWELL

Kay Rowell, of Kenmore Crescent, said the flames almost reached her house.

She said: “It started at 5pm on Wednesday and the fire service came and put it out.

“For some reason it has flared up again today at about 2pm.

“It was much bigger today. It has gone right up the field and burnt the hedge on the roadside.

“It is very frightening.”

Firefighters have also dealing with another major fire across the River Tyne in Walbottle

It follows other fires which occurred in Ryton Willows as well as Pelton Fell near Chester-le-Street, on Wednesday.

The Northern Echo: Firefighters tackling the blaze in Ryton on Wednesday. Picture: TWFRSFirefighters tackling the blaze in Ryton on Wednesday. Picture: TWFRS

A total of 60 fires, including 16 grass fires, were attended by TWFRS on Wednesday, significantly above the daily average. 

A service spokesperson said: “We are continuing to battle a number of fires this afternoon across Tyne and Wear.

“The majority of the most challenging fires are grass fires in large stretches of field.

“These very dry conditions cause fire to spread rapidly.

“We would continue to ask the public to behave responsibly and follow our advice to help mitigate against an increase in incidents.

“Our Fire Control are doing an amazing job with another big spike in calls. “Please be patient and only call us in an emergency.

“We will prioritise calls where there is an immediate risk to person or property but will always send an appliance when it is needed.”

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