A SINK hole has opened up in a York suburb causing two way traffic diversions down a riverside cycle route.

Terry Avenue in Clementhorpe, a popular cycle route, had reopened last week for the first time (Friday, July 8), in 12 months after it was closed due to flood defence work.

However a sinkhole in Clementhorpe has appeared due to a water leak closing the section of the road from the pub to Cherry Avenue.

The Northern Echo: Map showing the affected streets Picture: Google MapsMap showing the affected streets Picture: Google Maps

This has meant that since yesterday (Wednesday, July 13) the cycle and pedestrian route in nearby Terry Avenue has to be shared with cars and two traffic diversions are in place.

The Northern Echo: Map showing Terry Avenue to Butcher Terrace Picture: Google MapsMap showing Terry Avenue to Butcher Terrace Picture: Google Maps

The route to the Rowntree Park and caravan site, and the Roomzzz hotel has also been closed.

Residents of Butcher Terrace, on the other side of the park, once again have all traffic travelling down their street until it is fixed, with Yorkshire Water hoping it will be a three-day job.

More to follow.


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