Two police officers suffered injuries from a man in North Yorkshire.

The North Yorkshire Police officers responded to reports of violence in Boroughbridge, and they were injured when dealing with the incident.

One has suffered a sprain, and the other has needed x-rays for a possible fracture.

The Northern Echo: Officer needed x-ray after suffering injury Picture: North Yorkshire PoliceOfficer needed x-ray after suffering injury Picture: North Yorkshire Police

A man in his 30s has been arrested following this report, and the victim of the violent crime is being supported.

Since the beginning of this year, 168 emergency service workers have been assaulted in North Yorkshire.

Police say their officers have sustained injuries which result in hospital stays, time off work and psychological trauma and impacts to family life.

North Yorkshire Police offer a support programme for staff who are assaulted at work and they prosecute offenders. Courts often give prison sentences.

The Northern Echo: Injury police officer suffered at work Picture: North Yorkshire PoliceInjury police officer suffered at work Picture: North Yorkshire Police