A COUNTY Durham MP has pleaded with film star Will Smith to use his platform for good and not to promote violence after penning an open letter to the celebrity in the aftermath of yesterday’s Oscars incident that saw Mr Smith strike presenter Chris Rock.

During the ceremony, Mr Smith entered the stage after hearing comments from Rock, which referred to his wife as “GI Jane 2” – before returning to his seat and shouting twice: “Keep my wife’s name out of your f****** mouth.”

In the aftermath of the incident, celebrities, and members of the public from across the world took to social media to express their shock.

Read more: Academy Awards 2022: Will Smith punches Chris Rock at Oscars

Within County Durham, Bishop Auckland MP, Dehenna Davison, has chosen to use her political platform to pen an open letter to the actor – where she highlights the impact of using violence, which saw her lose her own father, Dominic, to a single punch attack when she was just 13.

In the letter, which was posted to social media platform Twitter within the last hour, Ms Davison writes: “I have been a huge fan of your work since I was kid,” before noting her shock and surprise at Mr Smith’s decision to strike Chris Rock.

“While I found Rock’s joke in poor taste, I was very disappointed to see you use your substantial platform not for good, but for promotion of violence,” she added.

Here's Ms Davison's letter to actor Will Smith:

The letter continues with the MP’s decision to get involved in politics in the aftermath of her father’s death – which she says “turned her life upside down”.

Throughout her political career, the Conservative MP has been involved in a campaign, ‘One Punch UK’, which was set up after North East mum Maxine Thompson-Curl lost her son, Kristian, in an unprovoked one punch attack in Consett.

Ms Davison also launched her own all-party campaign in 2021, on the 14th anniversary of her dad's death, which was done exclusively through The Northern Echo.  

Later on in the letter the actor, the names of people who have lost their lives to one punch attacks in the North East since 2014 were noted – which included Calvin McLellan, Graham Thurston, Lee Devlin, Kenneth Brough and Anthony Richardson, as well as Ms Davison inviting the Hollywood actor to speak at the All Party Parliamentary Group in One Punch Assaults.

The Northern Echo: Actor Will Smith strikes presenter Chris Rock at last night's Oscars. Picture: PA MEDIA.Actor Will Smith strikes presenter Chris Rock at last night's Oscars. Picture: PA MEDIA.

The letter concludes: “We cannot change our past actions, but we can shape our futures, and we can choose to use our platforms for good.”

After the incident, Ms Davison told The Northern Echo: “Will Smith is privileged to have a huge platform to influence and inspire people the world over.

"That is why his actions at the Oscars last night were totally indefensible. Rather than using his platform for good, Will Smith instead normalised the use of violence to settle disputes, setting the worst possible example for his fans and followers.

The Northern Echo: Bishop Auckland MP, Dehenna Davison. Picture: NORTHERN ECHO.Bishop Auckland MP, Dehenna Davison. Picture: NORTHERN ECHO.

“Many people have laughed about the incident, but single blows to the head are no laughing matter. Alongside One Punch UK, I am campaigning hard to raise awareness that single blows to the head can and do kill.

"This can either be from the blow itself, which is how my dad died, or from the victim stumbling backwards and hitting their heads, resulting in fatal brain injuries. That is why raising your fists is never the answer.

“As Chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on One Punch Assaults, I have written to Will Smith inviting him to speak to our group to learn more about one punch assaults, and to help us raise awareness that one punch can kill. I look forward to his response.”

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