A RAPE victim has thanked police for 'being her rock' after they tracked down her attacker when he ordered a £19 kebab from Just Eat.

Sexual predator, Daniel Hassan, met his victim on an online dating site and arranged to meet for a date in Newcastle City Centre last May.

The pair returned to the victim's home to watch the Champions League Final when the victim made a comment about his football team which sparked an unexpected violent reaction.

Read more: County Durham rapist Daniel Hassan facing prison

The 43-year-old punched and kicked the victim repeatedly to the head and body before raping her.


Despite her cries for help, she sustained a further attack causing more injuries to her face and chest and a laceration to her head.

Hassan left the address as the victim reported him to police and an investigation was launched by Northumbria Police's Safeguarding unit.

The victim could only identify the man as 'Danny' and that he was originally from Manchester but that was enough for the specialist investigators to track down her attacker.

Despite deleting his dating profile, officers were still able to recover a photo of the suspect and using state-of-the-art technology, the image was a match for Hassan and was believed to be located in a small village in County Durham.

There was not a precise location of his whereabouts at that time but it was the moment Hassan ordered a takeaway through Just Eat on Wednesday, June 9, that officers were able to pinpoint his exact location and arrest him on suspicion of rape and assault.

During the interview he denied committing any offences and refused to answer any further questions but he was subsequently charged with two counts of assault and one count of rape.

Hassan was remanded in custody and a trial set for Monday, January 17, at Newcastle Crown Court however with continued enquiries carried out by the team, Hassan pleaded guilty on the first day of his trial.

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And on Friday, March 11, he has been sentenced at the same court to 14 years for one count of rape and two counts of assault.

The victim praised police for their support and hope it helps other report incidents to police.

She said: "Thank you so much to the police for their support, they have been a rock for me.

"I want this to be a message to others to please report incidents to the police because justice will be done like it has here."

Also watching in court as the Judge handed down Hassan's sentence was lead investigator, Dayna McNally, who has praised the victim for her bravery and hopes the outcome gives a strong reassuring message that we will find those committing violent sexual crimes and put them before the courts.

Hassan of Hespwell Crescent, Haswell, Durham was also ordered to sign the sex offenders register indefinitely. Anyone who has concerns about a new relationship - either yourself or someone you know - can submit an application under the Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme (DVDS) - also known as Clare's Law - which allows individuals to ask the police to check whether a new or existing partner has a violent past. For more information search Clare's Law Northumbria online.

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