A GROUP of 'rotters' dedicated to reducing food waste are encouraging residents to think before they bin.

The North Yorkshire Rotters have been hosting a range of activities and events to share practical advice and tips on how to reduce household food waste.

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They have also been giving out fresh pods that extend the storage life of all fruit and vegetables by up to four times.

The pods can be placed in a fridge or fruit bowl to remove the gas given off by produce as it ripens and kill airborne bacteria and spores in the fridge.

Their action comes during Food Waste Action Week which runs until Sunday (March 13).

Jeff Coates from the North Yorkshire Rotters said: “Getting to grips with freezing and defrosting are big factors in preventing food from going to waste at home.

"At a time of rising food prices alongside huge public concern about climate change, tackling food waste at home is one way we can all make a difference and save money.

“For the average family with children, the cost of binning food can be more than £700 per year.

"So, Food Waste Action Week is all about being savvy in how we store and use our food.”

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Throughout the week the North Yorkshire Rotters have attended markets in Knaresborough and Easingwold market to spread their message.

North Yorkshire County Councillor Derek Bastiman, executive member for waste management, said: “We are once again supporting Food Waste Action Week as it is a great way to raise people’s awareness of the huge impact household food waste has on climate change.

“We are really proud of the North Yorkshire Rotters who are also hosting workshops with schools, Cub, Beaver and Scout groups as well as a WI talk; spreading the word to all generations.

"Last year the pandemic forced us to hold activities online so it’ll be great to return to face-to-face events.”


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