DRAMA group known for its hard-hitting performances is staging an award-winning show about racism this month.

Bishop Auckland Theatre Hooligans (Bath), based at King James I Community Arts College, will perform Behind My Eyes at the Eden Theatre, in Bishop Auckland Town Hall.

The drama will be staged next Wednesday and Thursday, at 7.30pm each night.

Behind My Eyes was originally commissioned by the Racial Equality Council for a national conference in 2006 and has since been performed across the region.

Set in the future, it deals with issues including racism, forced segregation and love across the boundaries.

Tickets cost £3 and are available from the town hall on 01388-602232.

Meanwhile, nine members of Bath plan to travel to Jamaica with eight leaders in July as part of the Roots 2008 project.

They will look at domestic violence projects in the country and it follows a successful visit to Norway last year, where they worked with Somalian refugees.