A POWERFUL voice for businesses in the North East has fallen silent after the death of Jonathan Lamb, former CEO of the Entrepreneurs' Forum after a short battle with cancer.

The forum described Jonathan as "a thoughtful, passionate and loyal man whose love for the North East, and its entrepreneurs, will be remembered by our entire membership.

"As CEO, Jonathan led the Forum through one of its trickiest periods in recent times, helping us accelerate our online presence and always putting the needs of our members first.

"While working as CEO, he championed our members, helping to spread the word about their successes, while giving encouragement and support during challenging times. His contribution to the Forum is longstanding and will always be acknowledged."

Lesley Moody, President, North East England Chamber of Commerce said: “We offer our condolences to Jonathan Lamb’s family and colleagues at this such sad time.  He was a passionate advocate for the entrepreneurs in our region and will be very much missed by everyone.”

Marketing strategist Rachel Dalby said: "Jonathan Lamb was more than just a brilliant first boss to me. He had a fantastic mind, was incredibly hard-working and had a very dry wit. I loved working with Jonathan. I’ve even developed the same love of caffeine he had.

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"He encouraged me to constantly work hard and set ambitious goals, and constantly look to grow and improve. And he was passionate about marketing. But most importantly he encouraged me to always stay true to yourself and always be honest, authentic and genuine."

Dominic Lusardi, co-founder of digital company Animmersion, said the news was  'devastating' and former CEO Gillian Marshall said "So sad. Jonathan was a gentleman and will be missed by many."

Graham Robb, founder of Recognition PR in Darlington said: "This is awful news. Jonathan was a much respected and well-liked figure among the North East business community. He left us too soon, but will be remembered as highly capable professional business leader who won the respect and friendship of everybody he encountered."

Personally, I worked briefly with Jonathan at BE Group over in Seaham where he was Executive Director of Business Development. I found him a very engaging man, respected and with a quiet authority that meant people came to him for solutions and trusted his advice.

Former BE Chief Executive Alastair MacColl, said: "I was proud to call Jonathan a friend and colleague. His professional talent was obvious, but for those of us that knew him well, his integrity, fierce sense of fairness and compassion were the characteristics that made him very special.

"He cared enormously about the communities of the North East of England and made his mark with deeds not words."

In the last few years he had founded SPURR, a Stockton-based strategy and consulting group. He had also been a panel member for the Tees Valley Combined Authority.

Tees Valley Mayor Ben Houchen said: “I am very saddened to hear of the passing of Jonathan Lamb, a passionate, professional and knowledgeable member of our business community.

"He was very highly regarded and well-liked and it was a privilege to work with him. My thoughts are with his family and friends at this difficult time, he will be sorely missed.”


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