ALLOTMENT holders will discover today whether 55 homes will be built on garden plots that have stood for more than 100 years.

Wimpey is applying for planning permission to build the homes on 1.7 hectares of allotment land off Station Road, in Howden-le-Wear.

The 20 or so gardeners who cultivate the allotments, some of whom have been there for more than 40 years, were given eviction notices in 2004.

More than three years later, after several public meetings, discussions and attempted compromises, the final decision will be made.

Wear Valley District Council's development control committee will meet at the council chamber in Crook's Civic Centre at 4pm to discuss the application.

Planning officers have recommended that the application is refused. The officers said the site is mostly greenfield land and the village does not need such a large development.

Councillors will vote on the plans and David Quinn, allotments secretary for more than 20 years, said: "I hope they go with the recommendation of their officers."

Mr Quinn will speak at the meeting and hopes villagers will turn out to support the allotment holders.

The council has received 337 letters of objection and a petition with 491 signatures.

Last night he said: "This is a big issue. I was a councillor myself and I know that they won't want to lose face or look like bad guys.

"Howden-le-Wear does not need this many new houses and we do not want to lose our allotments.

"I am just keeping my fingers crossed and looking forward to the next 24 hours being over."

The proposed development would have 32 three-bedroomed homes and 23 four-bedroomed properties, as well as a communal garage block.

There are 41 allotment plots, but less than half are occupied.

The site also includes garages and open land which is used by fly-tippers.

The developer has promised to provide 18 allotment gardens on land elsewhere in the village if it obtains planning permission.

Wimpey has also agreed to enter into a section 106 agreement, in which the firm would give £51,300 for the provision and maintenance of a play area in Howden-le-Wear.

● For a full report of the meeting, read The Northern Echo tomorrow.