COINS thrown into a shopping centre's wishing pool are helping a charity appeal.

Mayor of Durham Councillor Bob Wynn has been presented with a cheque for £206.48 - made up of coins thrown into the pool outside Santa's grotto, in the Prince Bishops centre.

The pool was open throughout November and last month and now all the loose change has been collected and converted into a cheque for the mayor's annual appeal.

Shopping centre manager Richard Toynbee said: "We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to the people of Durham for their great generosity in helping to raise this money for such as worthy cause.

"The pool has raised a considerable amount, and it just goes to show that even the smallest throwaway amount can make a big difference."

Money raised during this year's appeal will go to the Bowes Lyon unit at Earls House, on the outskirts of Durham City, which specialises in the care and treatment of older people with mental health needs.