FIVE men have been charged after a large-scale cannabis growing site thought to be worth up to £900,000 was uncovered by police in Peterlee.

Officers from Durham Constabulary uncovered the large drugs haul last week when on patrol with teams from County Durham and Darlington Fire and Rescue – and acted to find those responsible.

The illegal drug den, which was located on Yoden Way, Peterlee, was secured by the police force after a high-visibility emergency service presence at the end of last week.

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Danh Van Le (32), Nam Ky Ngo (29), Hung Xuan Pham (36), Hai Nguyen Quang (25) and Lam Quang Le (28) were all arrested on Thursday, January 13, at the scene of the grow after officers uncovered the cannabis plants.

All five men were subsequently charged with production of a controlled drug.

At Newton Aycliffe Magistrates Court, all five individuals were remanded in custody to appear before Durham Crown Court at a later date.

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