VIRGIN boss Sir Richard Branson claimed that he was in pole position to take over the stricken Northern Rock bank as the Government prepared to announce fresh cash to support a private takeover.

Chancellor Alistair Darling will make a Commons statement on Monday setting out proposals to convert the £25 billion in emergency loans made to Northern Rock by the Bank of England into bonds to be sold to international investors.

The plan, drawn up by investment bankers Goldman Sachs who have been advising the Treasury, would enable the Government to avoid the political embarrassment of having to nationalise the bank.

However it is likely to provoke a huge Commons row, with opposition parties warning that it would mean the taxpayer funding the bank to the tune of billions of pounds for years to come.

The Government decided to act after the two private bidders currently in play - Virgin and Olivant - were unable to raise sufficient funds on the money markets, still suffering from the global "credit crunch".

Sir Richard, who is part of a business delegation accompanying Prime Minister Gordon Brown on his official visit to China, said: "We have got the best capitalisation plan for the bank and we have got a great management team. We feel we have a winnable package."

Robin Ashby, head of the Northern Rock Small Shareholders Group, welcomed the loans-into-bonds proposal, but warned it was unlikely that the Virgin bid would be accepted.

"It sets the scene for a private sector solution, not Mr Branson's solution, I must say, because talking to shareholders I cannot see any way that they are going to support him and his proposal to take over 55 per cent of their company after they've put in more money," he said.

Liberal Democrat treasury spokesman Vince Cable said the taxpayer was being "comprehensively shafted", with the Government left to underwrite the bank's liabilities while a private sector buyer stood to make huge profits. "This must be the most expensive face saving operation in history," he said.

For the Tories, shadow chief treasury secretary Philip Hammond said the plan did not bring the repayment of the billions lent to the bank any closer.