BUSINESSES in Richmond and Catterick Garrison could be handed a cash boost of up to £25,000.

The funding - from Richmondshire District Council and Yorkshire Forward - has been made available to help stimulate private investment in the Renaissance Market Town (RMT) area of Richmond and Catterick Garrison.

Grants of between £1,500 and £25,000 will be awarded to innovative business schemes, ideas which will potentially create new jobs, reduce carbon dioxide emissions and support and complement other RMT initiatives.

The cash can be used to pay for up to 50 per cent of the total project cost.

Councillor Russell Lord, member champion for Catterick Garrison and Richmond RMT, welcomed the funding. He added: "The RMT Business Grant Scheme is an opportunity for us and the private sector to work together to ensure that Richmond and Catterick Garrison remain vibrant, attractive and sustainable service centres for the whole of Richmondshire."

There are some eligibility criteria for the RMT grants, and so any businesses interested in applying for a grant should phone Sue Kelly on 01748-827038 or email