A mother-of-two with a life-shortening lung disease has revealed how it has drastically changed her life for the worse.

Lynsey Childs, 42, from Darlington, was diagnosed with the rare condition pulmonary hypertension (PH) in 2015.

She takes strong drugs to help control the symptoms, but there is no cure. The condition can eventually cause heart failure.

PH affects just 8,000 people in the UK, causing high pressure in the pulmonary arteries - the blood vessels connecting the heart and lungs - and leaves Lynsey struggling with breathlessness, fatigue and palpitations.

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“PH stops me from doing a lot of things”, she said. “I get breathless a lot, I’m unable to work, and I struggle even to go shopping with my daughter.

"I’ve had to adapt my whole life around this illness. It’s very limiting, and it’s been a tough few years.”

As well as breathlessness, symptoms of PH can include fatigue, blackouts and swelling around the ankles, arms and stomach. It is often misdiagnosed as asthma or anxiety.

Lynsey is sharing her story in support of PH Awareness Week, which takes place 1-7 November and has been organised by the national charity PHA UK to help more people understand the condition.

“There is nothing visible about PH and to see me in the street, you wouldn’t think anything was wrong," she added. "There are a lot of people who instantly judge you, and even though I’ve got a blue badge I’ve had abuse for parking in disabled bays.

“Illnesses come in all shapes and sizes, and anyone can sit there and sound bubbly. But behind closed doors, PH is scary.”

Lynsey has two children: Lucie, 17, and Coby, 12, and met her partner Andrew Sweeney, who also has PH, three years ago.

Dr Iain Armstrong, chair of the PHA UK, said: “Pulmonary hypertension has a devastating impact on people’s lives, and you can’t tell someone has this disease just by looking at them.

“As an ‘invisible illness’ it’s vital that more people are aware of how serious PH is, and we’re grateful to Lynsey for sharing her story. We hope it makes a difference.”

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