ARTISTS and crafters have been showcasing their work this weekend at Darlington Arts Festival.

The event, which finishes today, started on Friday and has featured a variety of workshops, performances and displays.

From gothic writing, to film, poetry and dance, a whole range of artistic pursuits have been on show.

Read more: Arts festival: Darlington landmarks inspire open air exhibition

The town's market square was taken over by a marquee showcasing some of the arts and crafts made by people from the region.

For those who fancied something different, there was a pen of alpacas and the chance to meet some of the cuddly animals. 

The Northern Echo:

Meanwhile, High Row was also taken over with illustrations and poetry as part of a collaboration between Phil Sculthorpe and Brian Ramsey.

Independent traders were also supporting the event by hosting work by local artists as part of an art trail around shops in the town.

Read more: Darlington art trail launched in independent businesses

Today, a photography exhibition is being launched by Darlinton Photography Association at Darlington Library.

Glacial Plains was 18 months in the making and aims to depict older people in a strong and positive light with a mixture portraits.

And at 7.30pm, Darlington Film Club is screening Belle at The Forum. Tickets are £3.

The Northern Echo:

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