A PERVERT who systematically sexually abused a year girl over several years has been jailed for 11 years.

Michael Elve subjected his victim to a catalogue of abuse after bribing her with gifts and trips to McDonald's.

The 46-year-old former soldier was eventually brought to justice after the young victim plucked up the courage to give evidence at court.

Teesside Crown Court heard how the sexual deviant carried out horrendous abuse on the young victim which has had a devastating impact on her life.

Paul Newcombe, prosecuting, said: "The defendant began abusing the victim when she was young, he began by bribing her, buying her a McDonald's milkshake in return for her being silent about the abuse he inflicted upon her."

The court heard how Elve's abuse happened on dozens of occasions throughout her young life and his behaviour became more serious as the years progressed.

In her victim impact statement, she said the defendant 'had robbed her child hood from her and blighted her entire life'.

She said Elve 'took her dignity from her and subjected her to experiences that a young girl should never experience'.

The Northern Echo: Michael ElveMichael Elve

Reading her statement, Mr Newcombe said she 'feared for her life a lot of the time' and 'was frightened of telling anyone for fear of the consequences'.

Mr Newcombe added the victim 'still feels tortured by him and feels worthless' and she has frequent flashbacks to her ordeal she suffered at the hands of the former soldier and labourer.

Elve, of Jedburgh Drive, Darlington, was found guilty of all 11 charges, including sexual activity with a child and sexual assault by penetration, following a trial earlier this year.

James Bourne Arton, in mitigation, said his client had some previous convictions but none were related to similar offences and he is facing his first period in custody.

He added: "He has always worked hard, he was in the army for several years before leaving and since then has worked constantly in either hospitality in bars and hotels and in the building trade as a general labourer."

Sentencing Elve, Recorder Abdul Iqbal QC said: "In my view you could not care less about the impact of your offending on the victim, you contested this case to trial and put forward various innocent explanations for why you had any physical contact with the victim.

"They were lying explanations designed to try to show to the jury you were innocent – they were rejected by the jury. It's clear the offending has had a profound impact on the victim."

  • If you have been affected by sexual violence, Darlington and Co. Durham' s Rape and Sexual Abuse Counselling Centre provides free, confidential support services. More information is available at RSACC.

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