A RAPE counselling centre for survivors or sexual violence in County Durham and Darlington is increasing the resources available, including four specialist advisers.

Darlington and County Durham’s Rape and Sexual Abuse Counselling Centre (RSACC) launched the services this month so it can offer further assistance, including tailored support for younger people, LGBTQ+, older people and those with disabilities.

This will include additional funding from the Office of the Durham Police, Crime and Victims’ Commissioner for four specialist independent sexual violence advisers (ISVAs), who provide dedicated one-to-one support to those who have reported their perpetrator to the police and are going through the criminal and court process.

Funding for the service was announced in May - full story.

In addition, there is a new helpline video and website content to help survivors understand their options and learn more about how and who at RSACC can help them.

RSACC’s deputy chief executive Isabel Owens said: “During lockdowns and throughout the last year, survivors have really struggled and some found it hard to access support.

"We wanted to give back by providing information that is readily accessible to them. No one ever imagines that they will become a survivor of sexual violence, and therefore may not know what their options are if they were sexually assaulted. This information gives the power back to the survivor, which is what we stand for."

She added: "The role of the ISVA is fairly new and not very commonly understood, but it can be pivotal to someone’s experience of the criminal justice process, ensuring that they have continued support and someone advocating on their behalf at all times.

"Our helpline has been running for 31 years and is how RSACC was started. We wanted to promote it as it can be invaluable to a survivor’s day-to-day coping.

"Especially with the extra strain that the Covid-19 pandemic has put on people’s lives. It’s more important than ever that we’re still here for survivors and they can come to us for emotional support and information.

"Tragically, the recent murders of Sarah Everard and PCSO Julia James, along with the UN poll claiming nearly every single young woman in the UK has been sexually harassed, has shown that women continue to be the target of every type of violence and abuse.

"Sexual violence survivors, and their family and friends, want to know what support is available to them so that they are well-informed to make important decisions.

"This can be whether they decide to report their attack to the police, or the type of care they’d like to receive.

"It’s vital that they have easy access to this information, in simple terms. Our new resources do this.”

The resources to be launched include:

• Four new specialist ISVA posts

• A video to support survivors get help and support from RSACC’s Helpline

• A Day in the life of an ISVA on the website - to help better understanding of the role

• New content on the RSACC website on “What are my options if I’ve been sexually assaulted”. This information will give a step-by-step process of a survivor’s options going forward and what support they can get from RSACC if needed.

RSACC has continued to offer is counselling, helpline and ISVA services throughout the last year.

Visit www.rsacc-thecentre.org.uk for more information.

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