PLANS submitted to Darlington Borough Council have revealed that an old shop on a Darlington street could become two-bedroom home.

The existing building, on Woodland Terrace in Darlington, has fallen into disrepair and both the roof and floor has collapsed and used to be an off licence.

The proposed development could convert the building into a house in keeping with its surroundings with the erection of a two-storey rear extension.

The finished house could comprise of a kitchen, dining and sitting space along with two bedrooms and bathrooms.

According to the Design and Access Statement, the development could "improve the streetscene, reinstate the historical shop facade, and make the building and surrounding area a safer place as the it has potential to fall into further disrepair with ongoing water damage."

As the building would be surrounded by residential property the proposal seeks to increase privacy by "having an inward-looking designed house, glazed top windows, lowered the central section where the neighbouring windows are located, louvers in isolated locations, tilted windows and higher glazing overhead height to allow light in but no views."

The application can still be viewed and commented on via the Darlington Borough Council website.