A LIFE-SAVING hospital department is able to recruit an extra member of staff, thanks to the efforts of a team of Cleveland Police officers.

Members of the Organised Crime Unit pledged to raise funds to pay for a specialist nurse for the haematology unit at the James Cook University Hospital, in Middlesbrough.

The officers decided to raise funds for the hospital after a colleague was successfully treated for a very rare cancer there.

The 44-year-old male officer, who is father to a young family, was diagnosed with non- Hodgkin's Lymphoma in the roof of his mouth and nasal passages, in 1996.

He had to undergo invasive surgery to remove the tumours, followed by four months of intensive chemotherapy and a course of radiotherapy.

Thanks to the successful treatment, he was able to return to work within ten months of diagnosis, and he has since been given the all-clear.

The former patient, and his colleagues, wanted to repay the unit for the excellent care and support he received.

They pledged to raise money to pay for vital equipment, which would improve treatment for other patients from the Teesside area.

In October, a dozen officers took part in a sponsored walk along the Cambrian Way, in Wales, to raise cash.

Local companies also offered their support by sponsoring the team and the group held a charity night and tombola after the walk, raising more than £11,000 in total.

Consultant haematologist Dianne Plews said: "We're absolutely thrilled with this donation and cannot thank Cleveland Police enough.

"£11,800 is a fantastic amount of money and it will be put towards expanding the outreach service in the haematology day unit.

"We have an outreach nurse - covering a large geographical area - who supports patients with blood disorders.

"Her work involves carrying out any blood tests and offering psychological and emotional support and information.

"As a result of her work, we have reduced the need for hospital visits and helped to prevent patient re-admissions to hospital.

"We want to use this money to get an additional part-time member of staff, to expand and develop the service."