A HIT-AND-RUN victim who was thrown across the bonnet of a car and left for dead has spoken of her determination to be fit in time for her wedding.

Claire Oliver, 23, who was walking home from a Christmas party when she was struck by a car, suffered two cracks to her pelvis, ligament damage, fractures to her ankle, tibia and knee, and a cut to her head.

Ms Oliver, who had been out with colleagues from HM Revenue and Customs at Washington's Waterview Park, Wearside, spent Christmas Day at Sunderland Royal Hospital.

The accident happened opposite the Floaters Mill pub, in Fence Houses, Houghton-Le- Spring, Wearside, at 6.30pm, on Friday, December 21.

Ms Oliver was making her way to the home she shares with her fiance Kel Scott, 24, who works for Northumbrian Water.

She said: "I got out of the taxi and then that was it, I can't remember a thing. When I came round I was in hospital.

"I remember looking at Kel and he was as white as a sheet.

He was in shock.

"I've got bruises everywhere - it's very painful. I've started physio and I've got the crutches, but it's going to be very difficult.

"It's going to be a real push and I still need to find my wedding dress."

Police have appealed for help to find the driver of the vehicle, possibly a Nissan Micra - the wing mirror fell off in the crash.

Ms Oliver is being cared for at her family home in Woodstone Village, near Houghton-le-Spring.

Doctors have told her she will have to undergo surgery to repair severed ligaments in her damaged right leg, before having to undergo intensive physiotherapy. But she hopes to be well enough to walk down the aisle at Lumley Castle in July, when she weds Mr Scott.

The car, believed to be darkcoloured, may have been leaving a sliproad when it struck her. The driver may have been a young man.

Anyone with information is asked to call PC Bob Lineham or PC Tony Miley on 0845-60-60-365, or Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800-555-111.