A NATIONAL bus pass, which could give thousands of people in the North East free local bus travel throughout England, starts next year.

The bus pass, which comes into effect on April 1, allows for free off-peak travel on local buses anywhere in England for over-60s, as well as disabled people.

It is expected that in County Durham, peak-hour travel will be permitted where the journey begins within the county. However, this arrangement excludes Darlington.

The scheme, announced by then Prime Minister Tony Blair in November last year, excludes long-distance travel with coach companies such as National Express.

The current concession is free local bus travel in the county where disabled people and over-60s live, from 9.30am to 11pm, Monday to Friday, and at any time during weekends and public holidays.

From April 1, they will also get free local bus travel in all other areas of England during these off-peak times.

Local authorities may offer additional benefits to their residents as part of their concessionary scheme such as off-peak tram or rail travel, or free bus travel before 9.30am Monday to Friday.

However, these additional benefits will normally only be available to that area's residents.

Chris Carveth, corporate finance manager for Teesdale District Council, is in charge of organising the scheme for the 6,000 people in Teesdale who are eligible for the passes.

"I think the new scheme will be better than what we have got at the moment, which is a pretty good scheme itself," he said.

"Elderly people are still motivated to travel and move about the country, so this means if they decide to go Blackpool they don't have to use their car when they get there.

"It will also make travel from Teesdale to places like Darlington and Middlesborough much easier than it is at the moment."

Alan Patchett, director of Age Concern in Sunderland, said: "This is an excellent development, which will enable older people to visit families and friends across the country, and we warmly welcome it."

* To find out more about the scheme, visit www.direct.gov.uk or contact your local authority.