A TAXI driver had his car stolen at knifepoint and then watched the thief drive off a 120ft cliff to his death.

Brian Tate was sitting in his black Nissan Primera when a youth pointed a knife at him and forced him out of the car.

The 41-year-old then saw his vehicle being driven straight over the cliff at Marsden Grotto car park in South Shields and crashing onto rocks below.

Police, ambulance, fire brigade, police helicopter and the South Shields Volunteer Life Brigade were all called to the scene.

The youth in the car was found death and is yet to be identified.

Mr Tate works for Marsden Taxis, based in Fulwell Avenue, South Shields.

Brian Dodgson, Northumbria Police staff supervisor, said: "We were contacted by a taxi driver who said that his taxi had been taken from him at Marsden Grotto car park.

"He was sitting in his black Nissan Primera at 7.20pm last night when he was forced out of his car by a young man with a knife.

"The vehicle drove off towards Whitburn and then the taxi driver saw his taxi being driven off the cliff at Marsden Grotto.

"The tide was out at the time and the car plunged onto rocks below. The driver was found deceased.

"We are now trying to identify him."