Our server, whose name I won't mention as I certainly don't want to promote them, has this headline on their site today: "Already dreading another festive season with the family? Check out our stress-busting tips.

Cook your way to a calmer Christmas".

WHY do people get stressed over a holiday that has gotten way too big for itself? WHEN did Christmas become a contest to outdo the neighbours and see who can buy the most "junk"? An ad on TV asks people "what did you get for Christmas last year", and most of them can't even remember. Don't get me wrong, I once loved Christmas. I was a child at the time, and didn't have to worry about buying gifts or handing out money , which probably is why I loved it. All of my shopping was done online this year ,except for a bottle of whisky, and that's the way I like it. Who wants to fight the crowds and go in a shop where the employees are stressed and in a bad mood? I once worked in retail and understand all too well about stress and "the customer is always right"...even when he isn't..which is most of the time. You have to smile and put up with it, at least we did in the USA, or we risked being fired. And yes, we did have to say the line you grow to hate, "have a nice day". We REALLY DO say that over there!

I always seriously dread this time of the year because it brings our the "idiot" in people. I'm from a very very small town in Northwestern Pennsylvania , where crime is not an issue. I'm always amazed at the increase in crime here in the Northeast in the run up to Christmas. People have no money for the holidays , so the mindset seems to be "let's go knock a little old lady over the head and steal her purse". Frightening. In town, everybody is in a hurry and no one is in a good mood. It's like the holidays just bring out the worst in people. Kids want more, more, more and parents overstretch themselves financially to provide it.

We put up no decorations anymore at our house, but that's mainly down to the cats, who would take them down as soon as we put them up. We're looking forward to a quiet day at home with no company! Let's hope that becomes a reality. Bah, Humbug!