A SCHEME to provide new jobs for the young unemployed is gaining momentum in North Yorkshire with a wide range of opportunities opening to those aged 16 to 24.

The Kickstart scheme is a national initiative, championed by Chancellor of the Exchequer and Richmond MP Rishi Sunak.

It is designed to set young people on the road to fulfilling careers through six-month job placements.

In North Yorkshire, the County Council has stepped in, taking on the co-ordination and support for small businesses and charities.

So far, 45 employers want to offer a total of 208 roles, with the County Council making another 30 roles available, giving a total of 238 new job placements.

Job placements include Dream Heritage, which wants new community heritage experts to help help communities look after their own assets and Friends of the Friarage hospital who are seeking a communications assistant.

Cllr Andrew Lee, executive member for business and economic development, said: “This is a great scheme which provides real benefits to both young people in North Yorkshire and the companies and other organisations which operate here."