A HOMELESSNESS charity has been given funding to tackle begging in a town centre.

The Darlington-based 700 Club has been given money for a project aiming to encourage people to stop begging and seek longer term help.

The charity will be able to employ an outreach worker, who will working with people in the town who are begging or sleeping rough.

During the pandemic, the 700 Club has been providing temporary accommodation and support services.

Founder John Elliston said: “The big challenge was Covid-19. Ironically, lock-down achieved a strategic aim of the project – to stop the flow of money to beggars.

“Empty streets during lockdown meant that begging stopped completely. Although the worker continued the daily check, only since the lockdown ended have people began to beg again.

“But Covid-19 did not solve the issues that individuals had prior to lockdown and therefore the work could not stop.”

“Although we are seeing a decrease in the numbers begging which was our overall aim, this project has now turned into a prevention project and educating the public into knowing that they can help stop begging.”

The project was given a share of £150,000 from the Office of the Durham Police, Crime and Victims’ Commissioner and County Durham Community Foundation.

Its aim is to develop a support pathway helping people out of their life on the street and the outreach worker will try to build trusting relationships with people in need.

Using a four-strand approach of empathy, education, engagement and enforcement, it is supported by Darlington’s Community Safety Partnership and involves the police, civil enforcement, the Housing Options Team, Darlington Borough Council, and 700 Club.

Steve White, acting Durham Police, Crime and Victims’ Commissioner said: “It is fantastic that we are able to support the 700 Club with this funding.

"It has been outstanding how key support organisations in County Durham and Darlington have adapted amid the Covid-19 crisis in order to continue to provide their vital services, enabling more vulnerable people in our community to access the support they need.”

“The street outreach work 700 Club have been able to provide during this time is remarkable, as they have continued to work with individuals, support their needs and therefore help them remove the need to beg or sleep rough.

“700 Club has continued to provide temporary accommodation and support services to vulnerable individuals throughout the pandemic. Although the current situation is worrying for everyone, we need people to be aware that support still remains available at this time.”

Mr Elliston added: "We want the public to know that by donating to a local Darlington Charity such as 700 Club we can work to solve the issue.”

For further information visit www.700club.org.uk.