FOOTBALLER Marcus Rashford’s fight to protect some of the country’s most vulnerable children has put the health of young people under the microscope.

Now, the University of Sunderland is set to launch a new programme to help train nurses to care for many of those vulnerable youngsters who find themselves in hospital.

The children's and young people's nursing practice course aims to add a new generation of nursing staff to those already looking after our young people.

Mark Telford, programme leader, said: “The wellbeing and health of our children is currently in the media spotlight.

“While it may be that children are at much lower risk of suffering serious issues due to Covid-19, the effects are still being felt.

“Many of the children needing hospital care come from families which have been affected by poverty due to the pandemic. The need is there and we believe this programme will help meet that need.”

The new university programme, which launches in April 2021, offers state-of-the-art training facilities, including a specially constructed children’s hospital ward, and a team of skilled academics who will ensure students develop confidence and competence in the care of children.