WE all know that social distancing can be a drag, especially in pubs when all you want to do is cut loose and let your hair down.

But the new normal means we are further apart than ever even when letting our hair down in our favourite pubs.

It seems odd but perspex screens and facemasks have become a part of our pub routines, in place of earsplitting karaoke and dodgy dancing.

However, one pub has come up with an innovative way of injecting some fun while remaining socially distanced.

The Thomas Egerton has, like many pubs, installed screens at several tables to ensure punters from different households can still keep themselves together, while (crucially) remaining apart.

But this pub is encouraging its punters to bring their own dry wipe pens and use the screens to play games like noughts and crosses, hangman or even battleships alongside their pint.

Josh Lee, who runs the pub, which is just outside Bolton, said: “We’re obviously adapting to the restrictions and making changes, the screens have been positioned on some of the tables so people from different households can be on one table.

“A couple of customers saw them and say they will bring in their dry wipe pens to play games, and it’s just gone from there.

“People have started playing noughts and crosses, as well as hangman. There’s lots of potential and it’s really only limited by your imagination.

“It works with kids drawing doodles too. It’s definitely a good thing because it brings people together.

“The screens are pretty big and durable, and they weren’t cheap so it’s good to put them to use. Hopefully it will be something we can continue after coronavirus.

“Normally we do have games on offer at the pub, but because of sanitisation we can’t offer that anymore, but this is a quirky and safe alternative to that.

“We’re setting up a marquee outside with more screened tables, so we will have a few if they prove popular.

“Fortunately our tables are quite big so we can offer that space between households, it might not work in smaller venues. But maybe we’ll have to get it patented if it’s so successful.

“All we ask if people bring their own dry wipe pens and a board wipe if possible for hygiene reasons.”