A MAN who threatened to “cough all over” police officers at the height of the national pandemic has appeared at court.

Craig Noble faced magistrates sitting at Newton Aycliffe this morning (Wednesday, October 14) where he pleaded guilty to being drunk and disorderly in a public place and assaulting a police officer on April 11 this year.

The 35-year-old was "verbally abusive" to officers, swearing and using homophobic language.

Alan Davison, prosecuting, said: "Police were called to Adelphi Street, in Darlington where they found the defendant bleeding with cuts to his forehead and his arm.

"Police tried to engage with him, he became verbally abusive telling them to f*** off, calling them faggots and threatening to 'cough all over them.'"

Peter Bradford, mitigating, said his client was "heavily in drink which caused him to behave in this way," adding: "he accepts that he made the threats to cough at the officers but he did not do that.

"Clearly it is a serious offence for making the threat and for putting the officers in fear of violence."

Noble, of Beaumont Street West, Darlington was sentenced to four weeks in prison suspended for six months. He must also pay £122 victim surcharge and £85 costs.