AN elderly woman was targeted by a thief who pretended to be a council worker to get into her home to steal jewellery including sentimental items.

At about 9am on September 25, an elderly woman living on Glendale Avenue, in Washington, received a knock at her front door.

A man then entered the address after purporting to work for the council and claiming he was there to check the boiler.

The offender went upstairs and stole a quantity of jewellery – with the victim only becoming aware that her sentimental items have disappeared once he had gone.

Northumbria Police said an investigation has been launched into the incident and police are now appealing to the public for information.

Detective Constable Chris Sengelow said: “This was a cynical crime which we are treating seriously. It is totally unacceptable and anyone found responsible will be dealt with robustly.

“The victim in this case did not get a clear view of the offender given he was wearing a blue facemask and a hat – but we still hope somebody living in that area might have seen somebody matching the description or themselves had a similar knock on the door.

“The man is described as between 5ft 9in and 5ft 11in tall, in his 40s with a possible dark beard and broad shoulders.

"He was said to be wearing blue gloves and a dark woollen hat.

“We are carrying out a range of enquiries into the incident and are now asking anybody who lives in the area who has information, or who believes they were approached by someone matching that description, to come forward.

“Your information, no matter how small or insignificant you feel it may be, could be the final piece in the jigsaw which allows us to ensure the person who committed this offence is arrested and brought to justice.”

Anyone with information is asked to contact Northumbria Police via the ‘Tell Us Something’ page of the force website or by calling 101 quoting log 639 300920.